
Prophet Adom Kyei Duah storms Lilwin’s movie premiere like a president

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Nana Ama McBrown, Kwaku Manu, Otaly, and Salinko, among other Kumawood actors and actresses, came out to support Lilwin.

Kweku Flick, Broda Sammy, and Ypee, among others, came to support the musician. Boys Boys, who many have concluded is a dear enemy of the actor, also took time out of his hectic schedule to go and support the actor’s successful premiere.

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Wayoosi, an ace Kumawood actor, took time out of his busy schedule to support his brother despite being scheduled to appear on a TikTok live with the great Agya Koo.

Among the celebrities and personalities who attended the movie premiere, Prophet Adom Kyei Duah’s arrival has had social media fans talking.

A police convoy approached as crowds watched the personalities and celebrities make their grand entrances.

Many went to the location to see who was coming, but to their astonishment, an undisclosed person arrived with a police escort.

Fans were eager to find out who the unnamed individual was, with many speculating that it could be the country’s First Gentleman, President Akufo Addo, or perhaps presidential candidate Cheddar.

Fans were taken aback to finally find out that it was Ghanaian man of God, Adom Kyei Duah who came to the premiere with a police escort.

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