Empress Nana Ama Mcbrown, a seasoned Ghanaian actress and media personality, has opened up for the first time about her life after her failed relationship with the ace Ghanaian rapper, Kwame Nsiah Apau, also known as Okyeame Kwame.
Nana Ama Mcbrown stated in an interview with Hammer Nti on Pure FM’s Hammer Time segment about her relationship with the rapper that she has been through a lot with him.
Nana Ama Mcbrown stated that it is common for people to become strangers to each other when a relationship fails, but she and Okyeame Kwame maintain a good relationship even after their breakup.
She stated that she has no pending issues with the rapper and would always strike up a friendly conversation with him if they crossed paths in public. She went on to say that she is very proud of how far they have both come in life.
Source: www.ghnewslive.com