There is good news about Ghana Nursing and Midwifery Council (N&MC) as Ethiopia Seeks help in Conducting its Online Licensing Exam.
There is an 8-member delegation from the Health Professionals Competency Assessment & Licensure Directorate of the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia who are in Ghana to embark on a one-week study tour at Ghana Nursing and Midwifery Council (N&MC) to understudy how it operates and learn about how they conduct their online licensing examinations.
The 8-member delegation from Ethiopia is also seeking Ghana’s technical support to establish a Nursing and Midwifery Council in Ethiopia. Mr. Tewodros Abebaw who is the leader of the Ethiopian delegation and Director of the Health Professionals Competency Assessment & Licensure Directorate made it clear that their one-week visit to this honorable country is to afford them the opportunity to learn from Ghana’s experience and speed up their process of setting up their own Nursing and Midwifery Council.
According to the leader of the delegation, the greatest priority of their agenda was to seek technical support from the N&MC to conduct online licensing examinations for their nursing and midwifery candidates.
He also praised Ghana’s achievement as the only country on the African continent to introduce an online licensing examination as part of its regulatory functions. Mr. Ababew indicated that the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia chose to understudy Ghana due to its credibility and integrity in building a robust regulatory system for the training, education, and practice of nursing and midwifery.
“The government of Ethiopia and the people are happy and well-informed about the help that N&MC is providing other African countries to strengthen their regulatory systems, and we would want to be part of this success story”, he said.
Mr. Felix Nyante who is the Registrar of the N&MC welcomed the delegation from Ethiopia and expressed Ghana’s willingness to help in providing technical assistance to Ethiopia to successfully conduct its online licensing examinations and also help them set up their Nursing and Midwifery Council.
He then thanked them for having confidence in Ghana’s system and also said various technocrats at the N&MC will take turns to share lessons with them during their study.
Mr. Nyante also made it clear that it is good Ethiopia is embarking on the journey to provide a regulatory body for its nursing and midwifery profession, adding that N&MC is ever prepared for cooperation, collaboration, and willing to assist in the restructuring and transformation of the nursing and midwifery regulatory system and operations in Ethiopia.
He also emphasized that since Ghana introduced the online licensing examinations in 2018, countries have sent delegates to understudy the operations of the Council. He then made mention of Countries like Gambia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, and Liberia that have in recent times visited the Council.
Mr. Nyante also disclosed that the N&MC has provided technical assistance to the Liberia Board of Nursing and Midwifery (LBNM) to conduct licensing examinations for its Nurses and Midwives. “This week, a team of technocrats from the N&MC is in Liberia to supervise the LBNM to conduct its first online licensing examinations for their Nursing and Midwifery Candidates from October 27-29, 2021.
Continuing with his speech, Mr. Nyante also said that the Council will continue to provide professional and technical support to countries that would want to strengthen their nursing and midwifery regulations.