We all assumed that the silence from both camps had put a stop to the once-trending subject, but it appears that we were mistaken, as new sources suggest otherwise.
According to a video posted on the Instagram page of blogger @thosecalledcelebrities, Asantewaa, popular Tiktoker, her brother, Kay Verli, and notorious Ama Official came in court to answer questions.
During the court procedures, it was proven and discovered that Asantewaa is responsible for the release of a private film of Ama Official that went viral a few weeks ago. According to court documents, Asantewaa bribed someone to release the footage in order to hurt Ama Official.
However, Asantewaa apologized for her actions in the court room and said she did all that to defend the only brother she has on earth since she has lost both parents.
Asantewaa and Kay Verli are set to be slapped with a fine or a sentence which we’ll follow and share with you as soon as it drops.