
Reactions As Roman Sisters Are Captured Exhibiting Football Skills (VIDEO)

In a video we have sighted circulation, a group of Roman sisters was captured exhibiting their football skills in grand style and it was very marvelous.

These Roman sisters were seen happily enjoying themselves and the video, after going viral, has really garnered some mind-blowing reactions from social media users.

Watch the video below;

Some reactions the video got are;

Seth Ebenezer Tetteh – Am sure these ladies were in the United ladies team before joining this service..they can really kick ball

Samuel Godsson – We all know the lonely and boring life these women live, after dedicating your whole life to your religious obligations, It’s okay to involve themselves in fun activities once in a while, sadly opportunities for them to do things like these only comes once in a lifetime. So let them cherish that moment to the fullest. 💯🎯🔥

Elkacem Ben Mouhammed – They play better than misse and ronaldo .

Mouad Jaouad – Nutmegs are forbidden

Khoromar Abdulai – This must be Newcastle female team


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