

Sakawa Man Caught On Camera Trying To Use A Woman For Rituals At A Bus Stop [VIDEO]

A man who is known as a sakawa has been caught on camera trying to use a woman for his rituals.

A man who is highly suspected to be a Sakawa was caught on camera trying to use a woman for rituals. This man we are talking about was caught on a CCTV camera, and in the video, he was trying to harm an innocent woman.

The video has then gone viral on social media, in the same video, the man who is suspected to be sakawa walked to a bus stop and put something under a seat. After some time, an innocent woman also walked to the bus stop and sits on the same seat the suspect put something under.

From the video we spotted, the lady started having some discomfort as she was seen scratching her body. She stands from the seat and walks to the back of the bus stop to ease herself.

The shocking thing is that, as all this was happening to the woman, this suspected sakawa man was watching from afar. But luckily this innocent woman a man of God who was passing by noticed her discomfort, he then draw closer and prayed for her and took her away from the scene.

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As soon as the man of God and the woman left, the ritualist or the suspected sakawa man also walked over to fetch the sand at where she had peed. He was immediately apprehended.

The whole thing looked staged as if it was a scene from a movie. But what made us think it might be real is that it was caught on CCTV.

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