
Where is Pamela Bass now and how is she doing today?

Where is Pamela Bass now and how is she doing today?

Pamela Bass, a Jeffrey Dahmer neighbor acquaintance who was given a sandwich, accepted and ate it as well. She thought he was kind, and generous, and enjoyed feeding his neighbors.

Following his imprisonment, she now believes the sandwich included human meat. Pamela, on the other hand, admitted in an interview that she thinks about it every day.

Someone may wonder who Jeffrey Dahmer is. Dahmer is a serial killer and sex offender from the United States who murdered and dismembered seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991. However, an inmate later brutalized him to death. More information is also available on our website.

Even though the monster is dead for almost 30 years, Pamela is unable to go a day without thinking about the Milwaukee neighbor who once gave her a sandwich.

She explained in an interview filmed by Chris James Thompson to create his documentary titled The Jeffrey Dahmer that’s “extremely disturbing. I have probably eaten someone’s body part”.

So far here lies the question where is Pamela Bass?

As matter of fact, there’s nothing known about the Dahmer’s friend, she is very private in life. Update will be given if anything.

SOURCE: Ghnewslive.com

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