Felix Nana Yeboah, a well-known Kumawood actor who goes by Nana Yeboah, has vowed never to enter the National Cathedral that President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is constructing.
President Akufo-Addo declared after taking the oath of office as President of the Republic of Ghana that he made a promise to God during his campaign to have a cathedral built for him.
The President also said that the project would not be financed with public funds, but it appears that the contrary has happened in light of charges made by certain senior members of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).
Comedian Nana Yeboah says he would never set foot inside because he believes the money should be utilized for other initiatives, like building roads. He said on Ghanaman TV on the Kanawu Show.
He said;
“Even if you build that Chapel, I Yeboah Asiamah will not enter. It is wrong for you to say you are building a Cathedral, totally wrong. How is it possible for somebody from afar to travel all the way to Accra before he can access the Temple and worship?
Use the money to construct roads instead so that people can attest to the fact that you are indeed developing the country. How can you take such an amount to build a church? I will never enter it.”
Source: www.ghnewslive.com