The Games of Thrones star shared a photo of her baby bump on Instagram. She recently announced that she is expecting a second child with her husband, Joe Jonas. The couple already has a two-year-old daughter Willa, and welcomed their second child this past July. In the picture, Sophie is positioned at a high angle on a bed, wearing an olive-green jacket and a black T-shirt. Her sleeves are unbuttoned, revealing a baby bump.
Sophie Turner’s pregnancy
Despite the high-profile nature of her job, Sophie Turner has kept her pregnancy quiet. Although Sophie announced her pregnancy in February, she and Joe Jonas never made an official announcement about her pregnancy.
However, we have seen pictures of her in a variety of maternity ensembles. Read on to learn more about the style choices the actress made while pregnant. We’ve also compiled some of the best maternity looks from the star.
While the couple kept their pregnancy under wraps, the reality star has finally opened up about her pregnancy. On New Year’s Eve, the couple shared photos of their family from 2020. Fans can now see the burgeoning bump that Sophie Turner has been sporting. They also shared romantic selfies and pictures of her baby’s crib. Sophie Turner’s maternity style was all about blending comfort with cool. In these pictures, the actress posed in a crop top and puffer coat. Her hands were behind her back and she smiled widely.
Her wedding to Joe Jonas
If you’re looking forward to the next season of Game of Thrones, you might want to read the latest scoop on Sophie Turner’s wedding to Joe Jona. The actress shared details about her relationship with Joe with Rolling Stone in an article. Despite their public relationship, the couple is still dating and are planning to tie the knot. However, it’s not clear if they’ll be sharing a wedding ceremony or not.
The couple’s engagement was revealed on November 2017 but they ended up having their first ceremony in July 2019. Initially, they had planned to keep the first wedding under wraps for months, but Diplo accidentally revealed the news when he posted a photo of the couple in a public space. After the announcement, they hired Diplo to DJ the event. While the first wedding went without a hitch, this second one was a huge surprise for fans and press alike.
Her pregnancy with her second child
Sophie Turner is pregnant with her second child. The actress revealed the news in a recent interview with Elle UK. The couple, who got married in 2019, already have one daughter, Willa, but it’s unclear how much they’ll reveal about their new addition. However, a photo of Turner showing off her growing baby bump was released earlier this month. She wore a black Louis Vuitton dress with geometric embellishments and matching white-gold and diamond earrings. Jonas, meanwhile, wore a black and white tux and a long lacy white train.
Although she no longer portrays Sansa Stark in “Game of Thrones,” the actress recently welcomed her second child with Joe Jonas. Sophie is currently starring in the hit Netflix series The Staircase and is a spokesperson for Louis Vuitton. Earlier this year, she attended the 2022 Met Gala in New York City with Joe Jonas and wore a red pleated peplum-waist evening gown from Louis Vuitton’s Resort 2016 collection. While it’s difficult to tell just how much she’ll be able to share with fans during her pregnancy, Turner reveals that she’ll be careful about making too many public appearances. As a mother, she’s sensitive to how her child will experience life in the spotlight.
Her outfits showing off her bump
After revealing she was expecting a second child, Sophie Turner has been showcasing her growing baby bump in a variety of outfits. From maternity wear to bikinis, the actress has been showing off her growing tummy in the public eye. The couple, who are already parents to Willa Jonas, have yet to publicly confirm their news. However, fans can find out more about Sophie’s latest pregnancy style in our gallery.
Recently, Sophie Turner showcased her growing bump in several outfits, including a white t-shirt and cropped cable-knit pants. She added a black ’90s sunglass and black sneakers to complete her look. The couple tied the knot in May 2019 in Las Vegas, using an Elvis celebrant and ring pops as wedding bands. The couple then got married in the South of France in a stunning Louis Vuitton gown.