
TV3’s Date Rush: You will definitely die so I will take the money over you- Mary Chantelle tells Dennis

TV3's Date Rush

Tv3’s Date Rush Season 6 and 7 seems to come with many surprises. The show started with Michael who wanted a lady with brains not physique.

TV3’s Date Rush is so far getting interesting as the past Sunday was super exciting to watch. It was Dennis’s time to look for a date. He asked the two ladies who reached the final a very tricky question. His question is as follows :

If I am about to die, between me and a bag of money, who will you pick?

The first lady to answer said she will save the guy and leave the money.

Amongst the two ladies, Mary Chantelle responded,” You will definitely die and so I will take the money over you ”. Dennis picked up Mary Chantelle over the other lady. He explained that Mary Chantelle was extremely honest and he gave her a promise ring to show how much he loves her. The length of the hug alone tells the viewers the full story .

After the selection, Giovanni and Anita interacted with the ladies, and Lawrencia who was not picked was so emotional as she expected to be picked over Mary Chantelle even though she did not play her cards well.

Lawrence mentioned that Dennis broke his heart even though she likes him. According to Lawrence, she did not choose Dennis because he said he did not want a 22 or 21-year-old lady.

In an interview with Anita, Dennis spilled how the other ladies were not true to themselves. He praised his date for her honesty. Date Rush! Everyone Deserves Love!

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