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China unveiled world-first Ambulance Drone [video]

Ambulance Drone

Brilliant Students in China have unveiled the world’s first Ambulance Drone for an emergency with the purpose of skipping traffic.

This Ambulance Drone medical kit is one of the best innovations that are about to hit the market worldwide. This Ambulance Drone can be flown to the scene of an emergency without the risk of traffic delays and it can also travel at a speed of up to 100km/h (60mph).

Alec Momont who came up with this said that the precious minutes it saves could mean the difference between life or death. He came up with the design while studying at the Delft University of Technology.

He is only 23-year-old and has been showing Anna Holligan the “ambulance drone” in action. The Ambulance Drone is a prototype high-speed drone that delivers Automated Defibrillators (AED) in the event.

The Ambulance drone tracks emergency mobile calls and uses GPS to navigate to the emergency site. Using a live-stream webcam, the drone instructor or pilot can instruct on how to use the AEDs and provide instructions for giving emergency aid.

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